Mobility scooters

Passengers can take mobility scooters on public transport. Buses, trains and trams have various features to increase accessibility to our services.

Drivers or uniformed employees are unable to physically help you get onto vehicles or lift mobility devices. If you need support, please travel with someone who can help you.

Learn more: Using your mobility scooter

Can I take a mobility scooter on a bus?

Yes, you can take a mobility scooter on a bus. Before boarding the bus, hail the bus driver by raising your hand so they can stop. The driver will then set up the ramp for you at the front door. For your safety, make sure you move on to the ramps with the wheels straight and do not turn when you are on the ramp.

The bus has allocated spaces for passengers with mobility scooters. When your stop is next, let the driver know you need the ramp to exit by pressing the ‘stop’ or ‘ramp request’ buttons, which are located in the allocated spaces.

Can I take a mobility scooter on a train or tram?

You can take a mobility scooter on a train or tram. Before you board a train or tram, wait on the platform area that has the white and blue international symbol of Access icon.

Two images of the international symbol of access icon. A blue square with a white icon placed on it. The white icon is shaped as a person sitting in a wheelchair, which is the international symbol of Access icon.

Once the train or tram stops, the first door will open in front of the area and the driver or uniformed employee will set up the access ramp for you to board.

Trains and trams have allocated areas for passengers with mobility scooters. When your stop or station is next, let the driver know you need the ramp to exit by pressing the ‘stop’ or ‘ramp request’ buttons, which are located in the allocated spaces.

What size mobility scooter can you take on a bus, train or tram?

To safely travel on board public transport, your mobility device should comply with the following:

  • The scooter must not exceed 1250mm long x 740mm wide x 1500mm high (add-ons such as sunroofs, luggage carriers and baskets should fit within these dimensions).
  • Can turn 180 degrees in an area of 2070mm x 1540mm.
  • The scooter is stable to board a ramp less than 1520m long at a 7.1 degree incline angle or 12.5% gradient.
  • Cannot exceed 300kg in total weight, including the rider and any baggage.
  • Batteries must be secured and not powered with internal or external combustion.
  • Flag poles must be removed or retracted.

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