Your metroCARD can stop working if it is bent, punctured, cut, or exposed to extreme heat or radiation.
We can only track, cancel or replace registered metroCARDS.
If an unregistered metroCARD is damaged due to misuse or lost, you will need to purchase a new card. Any funds remaining on an unregistered lost or damaged metroCARD cannot be transferred to a replacement metroCARD.
Contact us to cancel your registered metroCARD and any associated auto recharges as soon as you notice it is missing.
You can do this by:
- calling our InfoLine on 1300 311 108
- visiting us at the InfoCentre Adelaide Railway Centre.
If your registered metroCARD is lost, stolen or damaged, we can transfer any remaining balance to a different metroCARD you own, or you can buy a new metroCARD and we will transfer it to that. When you buy a new card, you may also need to top up your balance to the nearest $5.