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  1. 772 - Hallett Cove R-12 School to Old Reynella

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Hallett Cove School R-12. Travels via Sheidow Park and Trott Park

  2. 773 - Cardijn College to Colonnades Centre Interchange

    School service, operates Wednesday school days only. Servicing Cardijn College

  3. 774 - Wirreanda High School to Noarlunga Interchange

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Wirreanda High School. Travels via Morphett Vale, Onkaparinga Hills, Hackham and Christie Downs

  4. 775 - Sheidow Park to Woodcroft College

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Hallett Cove School R-12, Morphett Vale Primary School, Southern Vales Christan College and Woodcroft College. Travels via Morphett Vale, Hallett Cove, Sheidow Park and Trott Park

  5. 776 - Seaford Rise Primary School to Maslin Beach

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Seaford Rise Primary School, All Sains Catholic School, Seaford School 6-12 and Moana Primary School

  6. 777 - Noarlunga to Sacred Heart College Marcellin Campus

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Seaview High School, Brighton Secondary School and Sacred Heart College Marcellin Campus. Travels via Morphett Vale, Reynella, O'Halloran Hill, Seaview Downs, Seacliff, Brighton and Hove

  7. 778 - Noarlunga Interchange to Reynella East College

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Wirreanda High School and Reynella East College. Travels via Christie Downs, Morphett Vale, Hackham and Old Reynella

  8. 780 - Woodcroft College to Flinders Medical Centre

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Woodcroft College and Reynella East College. Travels via Happy Valley and O'Halloran Hill

  9. 781 - Brighton to Sacred Heart College Marcellin Campus

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Brighton Secondary School and Sacred Heart College Marcellin Campus. Travels via Hove and Somerton Park

  10. 782 - Noarlunga Interchange to Urrbrae Agricultural High School

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Unley High School, Mitcham Girls High School, Cabra College and Urrbrae Agricultural High School. Travels via Beach Rd, Main South Rd and Cross Rd

  11. 783 - Urrbrae Agricultural High School to Old Reynella Interchange

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Urrbrae Agricultural High School School, Cabra College, Mitcham Girls High School and Unley High School. Travels via Kingswood, Hawthorn, Clarence Park, St Marys and O'Halloran Hill

  12. 784 - Seaview High School to Sheidow Park

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Seaview High School. Travels via Seacliff Park and Trott Park

  13. 785 - Sheidow Park to Seaview High School

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Seaview High School. Travels via Trott Park and Seacliff Park

  14. 786 - Woodcroft College to Morphett Vale

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Woodcroft College. Travels via Woodcroft and Reynella East

  15. 787 - Seaford to Aldinga Payinthi College

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Aldinga Payinthi College. Travels via Seaford Rise and Maslin Beach

  16. 788 - Sellicks Beach to Aldinga Payinthi College

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Aldinga Payinthi College. Travels via Aldinga Beach and Port Willunga

  17. 789 - Willunga to Aldinga Payinthi College

    School service, operates school days only. Servicing Aldinga Payinthi College

  18. 801 - Mt Barker to City

    via Hahndorf, Bridgewater, Aldgate, Stirling, Crafers Ramp, Glen Osmond Rd and Royal Adelaide Hospital

  19. 820 - Burnside to City

    via Greenhill Rd and Burnside Village (operates Monday - Friday excluding public holiays)

  20. 821 - Carey Gully to City

    via Rangeview Dr, Greenhill Rd and Burnside Village (operates Monday - Friday excluding public holidays)