If you are organising a public or ticketed event and expect to have more than 5,000 people attend, you will need to notify Adelaide Metro so we can determine if there will be an impact to bus, train or tram services.

The information you provide will also determine if any special passenger transport services will be needed.

Venue managers are required to advise the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport of special events, which falls under the Passenger Transport Act 1994.

You can notify Adelaide Metro by filling in by filling in our online form.

After your submission, we will assess it within a month and advise you if:

  • we need a public transport plan,
  • you need to meet with us,
  • no impact on existing services and no special services needed – so no further action required.

If a public transport plan is needed, Adelaide Metro will work with you and other relevant stakeholders to develop and submit it for approval. Depending on the type of event and impacts on services, a fee may apply (fees vary between events).

For more information, please call the Special Events team on (08) 87109 7230 or email DIT.PTSpecialEvents@sa.gov.au.