Temporary closure on the Seaford and Flinders line in June

21 Jun 2024
The Seaford train stopped at Seaford Railway Station. Multiple people are on the platform boarding the train and waiting for another.

The Seaford rail line will be partially closed, and the Flinders rail line will be fully closed, to allow for track maintenance works in June.

The short 12-hour closure will begin at 9:00 pm Friday 28 to 9:00 am Saturday 29 June 2024.

The Seaford line will be partially closed between Adelaide Railway Station and Brighton Railway Station, with substitute buses operating. Train services will continue to operate between Brighton Railway Station and Seaford Railway Station.

The Flinders line will be fully closed between Adelaide Railway Station and Flinders Railway Station, with substitute buses operating.


  • From 9:00 pm Friday 28 June to 9:00 am Saturday 29 June 2024.


Accommodating all passengers:

Every effort is made to ensure timetabled substitute bus services are accessible for all customers, including the elderly, customers with a disability and those travelling with prams.

If you find your large mobility device does not fit on an Adelaide Metro bus, contact the Busways depot on (08) 7260 0100  to request an accessible taxi. This service is available from train station to train station only. It is not a door-to-door service.