Passenger safety and behaviour

Everyone using Adelaide Metro public transport network has the right to a safe journey.

Keeping you safe

What to do in an emergency

If you need urgent help, call Police emergency on 000. This includes:

  • If you suspect a serious crime is happening,
  • Have just seen or been impacted by a crime ,
  • You need urgent help.

For non-urgent Police help, call Police Assistance on 131 444

Reporting suspicious or illegal behaviour

You can contact Crime Stoppers to report something you’ve seen or heard that is illegal or suspicious. This includes activity such as violent or disruptive behaviour, graffiti, vandalism and suspected drug activity.

Keeping children safe

If you witness or suspect, a child or young person is in danger of being harmed or has been harmed, you must contact the Police on 131 444 or in an emergency dial 000. You can also call the Child Abuse Reporting Line on 131 478.

Adelaide Metro is committed to providing a child safe environment for all children and young people where they can be safe, heard and supported on-board. We value and respect children and young people and welcome them regardless of their abilities, sexual identity, sexual orientation, or social, economic, religious or cultural background. Unacceptable behaviours including all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.

Our commitment complies with the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, the Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 and aligns with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

More information