Contact us

Visit us

Adelaide Metro InfoCentre

Adelaide Railway Station (near the barrier gates to the trains)
North Terrace, Adelaide

Open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm every day.

Call us

Adelaide Metro InfoLine

Phone: 1300 311 108

Open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm every day

Lost property

Events and photography


Non-English speakers

To speak with Adelaide Metro in a language other than English contact the Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) on 1800 280 203 during their office hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)

Ask the phone operator to organise a telephone interpreter in your language and to be connected to Adelaide Metro on 1300 311 108.

Visit the ITC website for more information, including their business hours

Deaf, hearing, or speech impaired

The National Relay Service (NRS) lets you use text or video to communicate with a hearing person on the phone. You can contact Adelaide Metro through the NRS using:

  • Voice relay: 1300 555 727
  • TTY: 133 677
  • SMS relay: 0423 677 767